Skin Breaks Out After I Shave How Come When Ever I Shave My Skin I Doing Something Wrong?

How come when ever i shave my skin i doing something wrong? - skin breaks out after i shave

can the last two times I shaved my skin broke out bad .... They scare the last time stopped ... i dont get it with shaving gel super-sensitive i ... Should I consult a dermatologist ...


deafult0... said...

When you grow a razor for the way the hair. You should shave upwards against the stream and prevents the skin, which is the exit door. Try to shave, and difference. I never use razors again, I have not shaved with a regular clipper cut, so do not cut my skin and I do not have thick facial hair. People who constantly shaving with razors, and how they end up getting thicker facial hair back. I did not and has never spent Clippers Breakout

Alex said...

It is quite possible that the gel helps to clog the pores. Have you tried to wash your face immediately after shaving?

Alex said...

It is quite possible that the gel helps to clog the pores. Have you tried to wash your face immediately after shaving?

Really said...

You may want to use a cleanser / exfoliator on your face before shaving too. remove all dead cells and helps the skin to a smoother shave. In addition, make sure the leaves are new and used hot water.

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