What Could Cause A Babys Liver To Be Enlarged Can A Husband Have A Positive Blood Type And Cause My Body To Reject My Babys Blood Type?

Can a husband have a positive blood type and cause my body to reject my babys blood type? - what could cause a babys liver to be enlarged

I had a miscarriage because of my husband's blood is positive and that the cause of my baby's positive blood type, to be and my body rejected the baby .... Why deny my baby my body?


Nicole said...

Yes, it is in principle as Rh incompatibility, your body thinks that your baby is an intruder, such as a bacterium or a virus developed because the blood was also different from yours.

Before I get pregnant again, you should consult a doctor and see if you can this by avoiding pictures of a drug called Rho-Gam on.

LP's Mommy said...

I think that answers his own question.

Pam said...

I assume your description are negative (and your husband is positive).

This should not be the first pregnancy. If so, the physician should provide some answers. Maybe something is wrong.

Normally, shot after the first pregnancy (or even if you are pregnant?) That you are able to have more children with little risk of incompatibility.

For example. I'm O +, O + is the father and my mother is O-. The pregnancy went well and I'm good. And he did not get vaccinated too.

Paula K said...

She would have a negative blood type.
If it is in early pregnancy (or earlier detected), no drugs, you can make your body from rejecting the child.

why his body, which she rejected because the antibodies in the blood cells to attack foreign and had started, his blood, of course, be "stronger" because they managed to kill the intruder. This is what we should do our blood, is one of their most important tasks. His blood was trying to stay healthy.

Valerie B said...

As a rule, is one of the first things to try in the gynecologist if you are pregnant, your Rh factor. You can not (pictures for the baby to know if you can read too.)
What to expect if you wait:
If a woman has Rh-positive, and she and her husband are negative, there is cause for concern. However, if you are Rh negative and her husband is Rh positive one canidate for Rh incompatibility problems and pregnancy should be monitored .... Obstetrics
... Problems of beer does not start until the Rh factor in the bloodstream of the mother is Rh-negative occurs upon delivery of abortion or miscarriage of a child who has inherited the Rh factor from his father. The mother's body in a naturalthe protective immune response to the contents of "strange", produces antibodies against them. The antibodies are harmless until they are pregnant with another Rh positive child. Then, the antibodies cross the placenta and attack fetal red blood cells, thus very low (when the maternal antibodies are low) to very severe (if they are high), anemia of the fetus. It is rare these antibodies from the first pregnancy, in response to the fetal blood leak through the placenta into the bloodstream of the mother.

I'm sorry for your loss. I know I am a foreigner, and my words are not important, but I hope everything goes well. I can not say I know what you are, because I had never happen, but I willThink you and your next pregnancy.

wolf said...

Because the child was by a parasite or a virus that attacks the baby's blood seen.

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